Privacy statement


This is the website of Vic van Dijk. You can get in touch with Vic van Dijk using the contact form. An automatic e-mail informs Vic van Dijk about submission of the contact form. This e-mail ensures Vic van Dijk can fulfill your contact request. The data filled in on the form, such as name and e-mail address, are stored in a database. This database serves as a backup facility in case the the e-mail is not properly sent. The database is purged regularly, at least half-yearly. Your data will not be shared with others unless you approved this. 

The e-mail address you enter on the contact form is used to send you a response per e-mail. Your name enables Vic van Dijk to address you correctly. The subject and message fields enable you to make your message clear. These fields can be used to give other contact details to Vic van Dijk when desired. For example, a telephone number in case you prefer contact by phone. 

Online comments on blogs

The website of Vic van Dijk contains blogs. You can post comments on these blogs. A comment appears on the public website below the blog after approval. You decide yourself whether to give your name and a subject with your comment. Your comment and optionally your name and subject are stored in the database of the website. This storage enables the website to display comments after approval. 

You can contact Vic van Dijk any time in case you want to have a comment written by you to be removed from the website. 

Website usage statistics

This website tracks its usage with Matomo in order to analyze the usage of the website. Matomo anonymizes your IP-address by removing the last two bytes. For example, is stored as

Your rights

You can exercise you right to access, rectification, erasure and other rights by contacting Vic van Dijk using the contact form. In case you are not satisfied with the processing of personal data by Vic van Dijk, please let me know. Naturally, you always have the right to file a complaint with the “Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.”